By Stuart Danforth/local columnist
Article from Milford Daily News
Posted Jan 16, 2012 @ 12:36 AM
An alert for leaders: There is a startling productivity-killing epidemic in the country. What’s more, this epidemic is most affecting the eastern region of the United States.
The American Psychological Association recently released its report “Stress in America.” This nationally conducted survey indicated that Americans living on the East Coast reported the highest levels of stress in their lives. In a one-two punch, the report also cited that those living on the East Coast may be the least able to manage stress.
It has long been known that high levels of stress and high work productivity are inversely related. That’s where it hits organizational performance: high stress kills the ability to sustain effective work tasks. That’s why managers and leaders need to respond to this threat to their organization’s productivity.
Fifty percent of your East Coast neighbors have lain awake at night in the past month due to worry and stress. More than a third of them have overeaten or eaten unhealthy foods, and more than a third of them have skipped a meal. Only little more than 10 percent of easterners report they engage in vigorous physical activity on a daily basis.
Restful sleep, healthy nutrition, and exercise all do battle with stress. These activities also correlate with positive mental stamina and creativity. Am I beginning to sound like your mother? I do agree that these activities are good for you, but my argument here is that there is an economic benefit that goes along with reduced levels of stress in your organization.
What are all of these workmates and teammates worrying about? The top three won’t surprise you: money, work and the economy. However, if you are like the majority of respondents to the survey from the East Coast, your concerns are likely involve money, relationships and job stability.
To complete the picture, easterners are among the most likely to name being too stressed and too busy as reasons for not making needed lifestyle changes. We are a smart bunch though: at least we are the ones among the most likely to recognize the detrimental effects of stress on our physical and mental health.
So, bottom line: is this truly an issue that a leader or team manager really needs to attend to? Isn’t stress management essentially an individual issue that employees should be responsible for managing themselves?
Wellness programs and healthy worker programs have certainly faced an uphill battle during the recent tough economic environment. I am not going to try to convince you to start one — even if that might be a good idea.
Rather, I want to impress upon leaders and managers that there is another lens to look through when considering an underperforming employee. Assessing for stress in your team can help lead you to consider a different solution set, when appropriate.
I have written before that a high-performance team by necessity often needs to be put under conditions of stress. That is normal business practice. However, team members who may already be experiencing significant stress in their lives may get to a failure point when that high-priority project lands on the team.
From a leadership standpoint there is one critical tactic to take that will help you assess and respond to the productivity killing epidemic of stress: ask about it.
Additionally, observe your team members habits: do they come to work looking tired? Do they always grab a fast food lunch at their desk? Do they talk about the gym or going bicycling on weekends?
Starting out, it is really that simple.
Encourage habits that mitigate stress. Show them you care about their well-being. If you come across an underperforming employee, see if you can get a sense of whether stress at work or in life is a factor.
Finally, be as clear as you can be about expectations for the workplace and the employee’s work product. Uncertainty adds to stress exponentially.
In today’s increasingly complex world, your team is carrying around all sorts of thoughts, concerns and worries.
Help them be as clear as they can be at work, and encourage a culture that supports and encourages healthy lifestyle practices.
Stu Danforth is the director of Positive Leadership Dynamics in Wayland. He may be reached at
Article from Milford Daily News